Monday, May 17, 2010

Spelling words


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Secrets Of My HollyWood Life

Ok, these books is good. Correction, these books are better than good, they're great! Not only are they of my FAVORITE books, but they are is also my fav. book series, and the author is my favorite too. I love these books.

Jen Calonita, the author of Secrets Of my Hollywood Life books, is working on the 6th book of the series, which unforunately is also the last in the series. :( This book comes out March 1st of 2011 . You can read about the book on Jen Calonia's website,

You can read about the first five books on Secrets' own website!

Ok, so about the books. They are about Kaitlyn Burke, an Hollywood actress.In the first book, she decides to attend a normal high school with her best friend, Liz, where she meets new friends and a boy. The second book, she is on location forming,her new movie, Pretty Young Asassians. In the third book, there is a new costar in her show, Family Affairs. In the fourth book, Kaitlyn deals with the loss of her show, and begins to hang out with the wrong group of friends. During the fifth book, Kaitlyn moves to the big Apple to do Broadway. But her boyfriend, Austin, goes to Texas for a co-ed lacrosse camp, which causes some problems.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sleepaway Girls By Jen Calonita

You got to read this book!!!!

It is sooooo good!!!

It is about a girl named Sam Montgromery who attends camp as a CIT ( conseuler in training). There she learns to not be a people pleaser while making new friends. She doesn't get along with everybody though. Together, her and her new friends begin to film themselves , dishing out camp drama as the Sleepaway Girls. Ashley, the owner's daughter- the queen Bee of Whispering Pines-, tries to cause drama for Sam and have the guy that Sam likes hate her. The book is packed with adventure, comedy and romance.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do you know?

This post is not about a book I have read. It is about a feeling. I hope you comment my fellow followers!

Do you know that feeling when you finish a book?

When you turn that last page and close it?

Normal people and people who hate or barely like to read ( you know who you are ) would not even begin to understand what I feel.

I am what you could call a complete and total bookworm. I even get my book taken away from me because I read too much and will not do anything else. But, I cannot help myself. All I want to do is read. When I find a good book on that keeps me on the edge of my seat it is like, heaven in paper form. All I want to do is turn the page. And when I feel like crying or I am sick......I read. I find it helpful to get myself lost in other peoples problems it takes my mind of things. It is my great escape.

Ever since I was little I have loved to read. I guess it is because my mom is a first grade teacher and when I was in her womb, she was teaching her class and reading to them. I am also smart, I guess you could say. I have been reading chapter books since I was in second grade. I am a fast reader too! I can finish a 200 page book in 2 hours.

But none of that even matters. What matters is closing that book. Finishing it. Reading the last sentence on the last page. I cannot even express in words how I feel. All I know is my heart starts to slow down, I feel like I am glowing and I get this undeniable sense of contentment. I feel so happy. The world around me does not matter. I feel like everything will be alright. Because hey, something good happened for this person why can't it happen for me.

I guess reading all the books I do, fill me with hope, hope that something nearly perfect exists. But do I care, no. I mostly read romances or teen girlish books. I love reading that type of story where a girl likes a boy and they end up together in the end.

This leaves me with hope that someone is out there, that is perfect for me. These books may give me false hope, maybe someone perfect is not out there, or even if he is maybe he is not looking for me..........

But for now I guess all I have is my hopes, dreams, and those great book ending that are too good.............for even the best words.....................................

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Top 8 By Katie Finn

I must say this is a very good book. The more I read, the more I got into it,wanting to read more. Top 8 is however Katie Finn's first book and has very few but some errors in it. Top 8 has like duplicated words in it, but that is basically all. This book is a great book, though, and I would recommend people to read the book. I liked how they used real Internet names like My space, Face book, and Friend verse. I also thought it was a cool idea to put the computer image of Friend verse, along with all of Madison's friends' comments. I find the culprit(s) surprising because I never thought that it would be that main person at all . I would give this book 4 1/2 stars.